
BibDB is a program for manipulating database files, primarily BibTEX database files. BibTEX is a good way of keeping a reference library, but managing it using just a text editor and fallible human memory is a pain. Finding entries using criteria such as year, keywords, and so forth, is cumbersome, and entering data is fraught with errors.

Enter BibDB. With BibDB you now have a user friendly interface to BibTEX citation databases, which allows you to browse through the database, extract selected entries and enter and edit entries in a convenient manner.

This program has been somewhat tested on 286, 386 and 486 computers, running MsDos 3.3 to 6.0 and having over 640K of memory. A 286+ CPU and at least 420K of free conventional memory, DOS 3.3 and up, and a hard disk, are needed for BibDB to work satisfactorily. A RAMDISK and/or disk cache is also recommended, and XMS and EMS memory can be used if available.

This manual is intended for people who are already familiar with BibTEX. Please READ IT. If you do not understand the terms, such as entries, fields, Required and Optional fields, and so on, you should read the BibTEX documentation.
